Entries by Mike Kolev

Merchant Accounts 101

Q: What is a Merchant Account? Quite simply a merchant account allows your business to accept credit cards. Typically this is used to describe the ability to accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards but does also include American Express, Discover Card, and other types of credit cards.

Grade Your Website With Free Online Tests

The foundation for every website is fundamentally sound source code. Unfortunately programmers aren’t always the most meticulous type of people. They’d rather hash out the difficult stuff and leave the details to someone else, and that’s where code validation comes in. To make sure your website’s source code and features are fully functional you should […]

Order Confirmation Page For Customer Engagement

Turning visitors into customers is one of the primary goals of any e-commerce site, but what happens after a customer has successfully placed an order? This person has just filled out numerous form fields and spent their hard-earned money on your site – what a shame it would be to waste this great opportunity for customer […]